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2021年5月13日,“2021年多晶硅产业发展论坛”在新疆石河子顺利召开,中国光伏行业协会副秘书长刘译阳应邀出席并做《2020年光伏产业发展回顾与2021年展望》主题报告。 全球疫情中光伏行业显示出超强韧性,我国光伏披荆斩棘,实现了逆势增长,2020年新增装机48.2GW,新增装机连续8年位居全球首位,累计装机连续6年位居全球首位,制造端四个主要环节实现两位数增长,组件出口量创历史新高,同比增长18.3%。2021年第一季度,光伏新增装机5.3GW,同比增长34%;其中,光伏电站2.5GW,分布式光伏2.8GW,分布式光伏增长较快。2021年一季度,光伏发电量688亿kWh,同比增长30%;发电利用小时数300小时,同比增加10小时;全国弃光率2.5%,同比下降0.75个百分点。2021年一季度我国多晶硅进口呈现量跌价涨的趋势,反映出多晶硅价格的上涨。2020年光伏技术不断进步,光伏电价在越来越多的国家和地区已经低于火电电价,成为最具竞争力的电力产品。 预计“十四五”年均光伏新增规模55-65GW,2021年新增光伏装机55-65GW,其中:分布式(含户用)20-23GW,集中式地面电站35-42GW。…

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• Learn comprehensive ‘hands-on’ real-world application examples • In-depth theoretical and practical discussions on power supply designs • Cover total 10 essential power supply design topics…

WT Microelectronics announced unaudited monthly sales for February 2021 totaled NT$26.3 billion or US$930 million
WT Microelectronics (3036 TT) today announced its unaudited monthly sales for February 2021 totaled NT$26.3 billion, equaling to US$930 million approximately, a decrease of 30% from January 2021 due to…

WT Microelectronics Announced Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter of 2020
WT Microelectronics (3036 TT) held the on-line Investor Conference today to update the financial results of the fourth quarter of 2020 and business outlook. Consolidated revenue for the fourth quarter…

WT Microelectronics announced unaudited monthly sales for January 2021 totaled NT$37.5 billion or US$1,321 million
WT Microelectronics (3036 TT) today announced its unaudited monthly sales for January 2021 totaled NT$37.5 billion, equaling to US$1,321 million approximately, an increase of 6% from December 2020 and an…